Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cold Winter Day

We woke up this morning to eight degree weather. It was a very frosty crisp morning. After all of the horses were feed and the icy buckets were dumped my sister and I decided to take a trip around the farm to check the livestock and take a few pictures.

The yearlings got moved to the back pasture last week. They have to be checked frequently. The young stock can really be effected by this crazy Ohio weather. Last week it was sixty degrees and this week it has stayed below twenty.

These are yearlings trying to soak up as much sun as possible. It is cold, but at least the sun is out. So, I can't complain.

This is my sister, Stacey. She is trying here hardest not to get stuck. This golf cart isn't the best in slick snow. She didn't manage to not get stuck. I had to push her out. I still don't know why I had to push and she got to ride. To bad there wasn't a third person to take a picture of that.

The spring going into our pond was the only thing that was not frozen. It was nice to go out and enjoy this nice crisp snow, because knowing Ohio weather it will all be melted away by next week and we will have a ton of mud to deal with.

I am working on some instructional blogs right now that should be up soon. So, keep checking back. -Tiffany

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